Sep 30, 2014

INSPIRED words for Inspired KIDS ~ check out the latest and greatest from IAA

 It's the start of another fabulous school year at Inspired Arts and we challenge you to GET INSPIRED this year!
Wise words from Sarah Knupple- founder of IAA:
-INSPIRED- Why Inspired? Because all your children are INSPIRED kids.,,

. I -am

N- Needed to sustain our classes and efforts in arts' education!

S- Special, unique, gifted and talented!
P- a Performer and showcase talents on stage thru singing, acting, dancing, or set making!
I- Innovative as I think outside the box and promote left/right brain thinking!
R- Real and love the 'real life' experiences that we
bring to you thru the Academy!
E -Educated in the arts' by professional teachers!
D- Dreamer and we help make your dreams come true!
So GET INSPIRED this year-
Also keep track of all the daily fun, creative and fabulous classes and activities at IAA here on Facebook.
Afternoon in the Arts
What does your child do after school? Play video games, sit around on the couch, eat junk food? If you want to combat boredom and that crazy evening extracurricular schedule, sign your child up for an Afternoon in the Arts class!

Each afternoon, we begin with an exploratory art class then move into gymnastics for fitness. Then, we offer an arts' class to further art education (Mondays are Movie Magic, Tuesdays are Music and Theatre, Wednesdays are Acting and Set design, Thursdays are Painting, Sculpting, Sketching and Fridays are Just Dancing!)
Classes-Fall JUMPSTARTS for $20

What is a 'jumpstart?' It's a class that has low enrollment and we want to make it a go! Jump on this deal by September 30th!! Register HERE for the following jumpstarts-
Twirl Step and Boogie- 10:30 Wed or 5pm Wed
Become a Guitarist- 4:30pm Thursday
Become a Singer/Songwriter- 6pm Thursday
Little Dancer- 9am Wednesday
Little Gymnast- 9:30am Wed
Little Musician- 9:00 am Thursday
Little Artist- 9:30am Thursday
Become a Ballerina- 5pm Tuesday
Become a Jazz Dancer- 5:30pm Tuesday
Remember- Registration for Around the World with IAA ends September 30th!!

Note- Class offerings are subject to change based on enrollment
RENTALS- Inspired Arts is available for your next birthday or other party event, but Fall/Winter dates are filling today to get your event on our schedule.
TEACHER of MONTH- Sarah Vonderheide
Sarah is a graduate from Augustana College with a Bachelor's in Communication Sciences and Disorders. She is married and has a precious three year old little lady. Sarah was a competitive gymnasts for ten years both privately and with her school's team. Currently she utilizes those skills as an instructor of two yoga based classes, and working with the up-and-coming gymnasts at IAA. Sarah is passionate about exploring the self-expression and confidence we can find as we learn to move our body with power and grace simultaneously.
ARTS' partners-
Morton Fine Arts Association presents Fall/Winter Monday night concert series! Enjoy bands like Harmonicas, Phil Dirt and the Dozers (rockin oldies), Four Freshman (vocal pop), Bankesters (country gospel), and the Cats Pajamas (accapella) . Tickets are $25 a piece or $75 for entire series! Purchase these as Christmas or Birthday gifts for parents and grandparents online at Morton Fine Arts Association .

Ballroom Workshop For Kids- Saturday, October 11th we will be hosting a ballroom workshop for kids ages 6-16 from 9-10:30am for only 10$! This is an exceptional opportunity for students to get an introduction to ballroom by learning both east Coast Swing and Waltz. Email Jon at to register!
East Coast Swing - Wednesdays in October, Jon will be hosting East Coast Swing classes! $30 for couple, $20 for single. Email Jon at to registe

Upcoming Schedule & Events
  • October 11 -Kids Ballroom Workshop!
  • October 30- Halloween Spooktacular IAA Family Event
  • Reminder you can sign up here.
Follow: Follow Me On Facebook

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