Apr 9, 2012

Man Shoes ~ The Journey to Becoming a Better Man, Husband & Father

Review ~ Man Shoes by Tom Watson

About the Book:
The Inspiring, true story of one man's journey through loss and love, told with humor and heroism. 

A survivor of child abuse, upheaval and 13 foster homes, Tom Watson learned at an early age to overcome adversity. Rescued at the age of five by the Watson family, he found new hope and love that helped to heal his deep physical and emotional wounds. Encouraged by a community of supporters, Tom learned vital lessons in patience, perseverance, laughter and tradition. Years later, these lessons would be put to the ultimate test as Tom faced heartbreaking losses that threatened to destroy him. A stunning revelation of one man's determination to live life to its fullest, Man Shoes demonstrates that new beginnings are possible at any age and at any stage of life, no matter what obstacles get in the way. This story is
an important reminder that we can live a better life and influence others to do the same! A must read for men of all ages, and for the women who love them.

From the Website :
Becoming a great man, husband, and father doesn't just happen by chance. As Tom Watson describes in his compelling and exceptionally readable life story, the journey toward self betterment takes strength, a positive attitude, and courage to face life's challenges. Man Shoes opens at the bedside of a confused and frightened five-year-old boy who has endured abuse, neglect, and a string of foster homes. From this vulnerable point of salvation and hope, Tom's heartwarming story moves forward into his life, revisiting the key defining moments that have shaped him into the successful husband, father and business leader that he is today. As each engaging chapter unfolds, Tom shares essential lessons that have made him become a better man, a better husband, and a better father while revealing his secrets to attaining real happiness on one's own terms.

My Review :

Man Shoes is an inspirational story about a man who was a neglected and abused as a child.  He grew to see his worth as a person of possibilities ONLY when some very special people helped him grow into his "Man Shoes".   I enjoyed this book.  It is very emotional, so make sure to grab some tissues before reading!  I laughed, cried, then laughed and cried some more (my kids were concerned until I told them I was reading a very good book).

I applaud the author Tom Watson for writing about such a painful and sensitive subject.  It could not have been easy for him, yet his book is inspirational to so many people.  I can honestly say that this is a book that both Men and Women will learn something from.

I definitely recommend this book.  Whether you have had your own challenges to overcome, or know someone who does.  You impact the lives of those around you, and this book shows the reader how influential each person can be.

Website:    http://www.manshoes.net/index.htm

VideoClips:  http://www.manshoes.net/media.htm

Amazon:   http://www.amazon.com/Man-Shoes-Tom-Watson/dp/1599321742/ref=sr_1_15?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1298577079&sr=1-15

*I received a free copy of this book for this review.  All my reviews are my personal opinion*


  1. looks good..i need to get this for the hub's.

  2. It is a good book - for both men and women. :) I have a giveaway starting tomorrow, and a copy of this is ONE of the several prizes! Check back for a chance to win your own copy - then you can give it to your hubby!

  3. This sounds like a wonderful book and interestingly enough my timing for reading your review comes along with some other "signs" that it's time to open my own can of worms. I will definitely be picking this one up. Thank you!
    Life with our Family

  4. Sounds like a wonderful book. I'd love to have the chance to read it.

  5. I love books that are full of emotions and that can really move me. I think this is one of those! Now, I want a copy of this one! :) Great!


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