Jan 1, 2014

Mom Rings in the New 2014 with a To Do Task List - What is your 2014 going to bring?

Ok it is the very first day of a brand New Year - and what am I doing?  Searching the internet to help me decide what my "New Year's Resolutions" will be and how I can actually achieve them.  After finding that I have been online for nearly 3 hours, I've finally come to the realization that making "resolutions" is the wrong way for me to start my New Year (plus getting off the computer might be a good place to start as well - lol)

So, starting now, I am working on a more reasonable "New Year's Task List" that I will check off as I accomplish each little Step of Each Task - making smaller goals that are easier to achieve and give a sense of accomplishment and purpose to start out this 2014!

Task #1 - Take Care of My Needs

As a Stay At Home Mom in a One income Family - I usually ignore my personal wants and sometimes even my needs in order to take care of
my family first.  My health, self esteem, physical appearance and confidence have suffered because of this.  What I want and NEED to do is focus on ME from time to time and make myself a priority in 2014 - because as I have heard over and over "IF MOM ISN'T HAPPY - NOBODY'S HAPPY"

So with that in mind, here is my step by step plan:
  • Get dressed every morning-no more PJ’s all day
  • Shower everyday - (expecially after exercising)
  • Do my hair and makeup before leaving the house - even if only to go to the grocery store
  • Add things I want and need to a wishlist and make sure hubby has access to it!
  • Drink More Water (see task #2)
  • Exercise for my Health (see task #3)
  • Make sure to remind myself of at least 5 positive things about myself each day

Task #2: Drink More Water

I know this is a reasonable goal for me because how hard can it be to keep a nice cold glasstic bottle full of ice water handy. And as long as it is ice cold, I have no problem drinking it.
The hardest part for me will be drinking less soda and more water - my goal is to get up to 80 oz of water each day.
Here is my step by step plan to help get the final Task Completed
  • Start with 2 full Glasstic bottles per day (32 oz total)
  • by the middle of Feb add a third bottle per day (or bottled water from fridge) - 48oz total
  • By end of March 4 bottles per day - 60oz total
  • By end of April 5 bottles per day - 72 oz total
  • By end of June  - 6 bottles per day - or min 80oz/day

Task #3 - Excercise 45 mins at least 4 days a week

Ok, I know excercise is one of the top New Year's Resolutions for most people, but for me it is a health issue so I have to do this.  For myself, for my kids, for my well being - I have to get healthy - not "fit" not "in shape" but healthy.
The hardest part for me will be well, making myself do it.  I have a treadmill in the basement - but rarely use it.  I have several excercise Wii Fit 'games' but don't make myself do them.  I even purchased Zumba but after trying it ended up with knee and back pain for three days - and that was just the training part - lol
I'm really out of shape and for my age it is not good.  I should be and want to be more active with my kids - so for my own good - I am Going to Excercise  - whether I like it or not! ;)
I am going to keep a calendar in the Kitchen where everyone can see it and help keep mom on track . . .

Here is my step by step plan for this Task:
  • Start with walking on the Treadmill for 10 minutes 3 mornings a week.
  • Add a 5 to 10 min Pilates Wii Fit routine to 2 of those mornings each week.
  • By end of February - be up to 10 min of Pilates plus 15 mins of treadmill 3 days a week
  • By end of March - add another day - exercise 4 days a week
  • By end of April  - 15 - 20 mins Pilates plus 20 mins on Treadmill 4 mornings a week
  • By end of June  - 20 - 30 min Pliates or beginner Zumba plus 20 to 30 min Treadmill 4 days a week - AND hopefully lose at least 5 pounds - lol

Task #4 - Make home and family a priority.

My family and home are my first responsibility, but as I grown in blogging and get more and more reviews, I
tend to let home and quality family time slide in order to meet blogging deadlines.

My step by step plan to fix this priority issue is:
  • Do a better job of keeping the house clean
  • Make a weekly "homework" list of house cleaning that HAS to be done then Do it!
  • Be consistent in making mornings for House work and afternoons for blogging and computer time.
  • Utilize my blogging calendar to add in reading/reviewing time, housework time, kids' activities and free time spaces so they are always in front of me!
  • Create and stick to a budget that works for us
  • Family Game Night Twice a Month on Sunday Afternoons
  • DATE NIGHT at least once a month, whether hubby likes it or not

Task #5 - Grow My Blog

As blogging is growing, and social media grows with it - I find that as many people as I have "following" my blog - I have a considerably smaller amount that actually visit, read and comment.  I plan to work more on keeping faithful readers as well as growing my numbers of followers to hopefully continue to be able to get better and better books and products to share with everyone.

For this to work, here is my plan:
  • Keep myself organized so I always post on time if not early.
  • Run Special Events/Rewards just for those readers who regularly visit
  • Consider finding another Mom to help with some of the reviews
  • Focus 1 afternoon per week just on social media interaction
  • Focus at least 1 hour a week on social media growth
  • Continue to learn all I can to make this blog the best it can be

I think this is a good start for my 2014  -  What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions or what is on your 2014 To Do List?


  1. As painful as it may be to admit, these are at the top of my priority list too:
    - Get dressed every morning-no more PJ’s all day
    - Shower everyday - (expecially after exercising)
    - Do my hair and makeup before leaving the house - even if only to go to the grocery store
    I've been so lazy with it and may or may not shower for days sometimes. Also - I started my "Wish List" before Christmas and not just keep it on my nightstand just in case my husband gets into the giving spirit! LOL I'm amazed at how many of these I can relate to. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks for your comment and honesty - we need to stick together and encourage one another to just make it through each day - somedays for me are like a week long! ;)

  2. I think drink more water is, as always, a top goal for me. I've done ok, but this year I want to do even better!

    1. Well, I'm encouraging you to do it! We can do it together - it is definitely one of the easiest and first steps to being healthier! And it fills me up so I don't want to eat as much - double bonus!

  3. You certainly have set a lot of goals for 2014. Most of these are goals I also wish to accomplish. Its nice to know someone else shares the same concerns as I.


Thanks for stopping by! Comments are always welcome!