May 24, 2012

Guest Post ~ Melissa Lee author of Earth Painter!

The Earth Painter
By Melissa Lee
Genre: Paranormal YA

The Sculptor was alone. The world was gray, as it always had been.
And then the Sculptor said, “It is time…
Time for color,
Time for more,
The beginning.”
With a word, three sculptures became aware. And they needed to paint.
There was Ocean, Sky, Land, and Life all painted into place.
Then it ended, just as quickly as it started. Then the painters were no longer needed.
But they were still…AWARE.
And it was in this awareness that the battle began. And continues.
When a self-conscious young woman discovers the boy in drama class is actually the immortal who painted the world into being, she becomes the target of another painter who could shatter not only her new sense of hope, but her world, as well.

CLICK HERE to read my review of The Earth Painter by Melissa Lee

Watch the Trailer :

An interview with Holly Scruggs, character from The Earth Painter.

So Holly, thanks so much for agreeing to this interview. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and where you are from?

I’m originally from the beautiful city of Charleston, SC but I’ve just moved to my parents’ hometown—Chesnee, South Carolina. Chesnee is…I don’t want to say anything bad about it. The people are nice and all. It’s just not my home. That’s all.

You got a little bit of a surprise your first day at Chesnee High School. Drama class wasn’t exactly your idea, right?

No, no. Drama was absolutely a surprise. I’ve always been an introvert. Umm…my mom she…she makes me self-conscious about it and…I usually just try to blend into the surroundings. Drama didn’t go with that plan at all.

And that’s when you met Theo?

Theo was there. He was right there hanging his feet off the stage but the teacher and everyone just ignored him. I didn’t get why. I guess I was too wrapped up in the stress of a new school and my issues to realize something strange was going on.

And what was strange? What did you soon learn?

What did I learn? That nothing in my life was the way I thought. Not the way I saw myself. Not the world around me. Not the boy in drama class. Theo wasn’t a boy at all but the painter of all the beauty and animals on the land. Every tree, bird, bush and flower and no one knew the truth of it.

And what was the truth of it, as you just put it?

The truth of it is that our world…the one that we all think we understand, was really created by some amazing artists. Free flowing creativity made it all. And then came the sciences to add order and logic. I won’t get into the sciences or Khai-Ree’s. They are more than I could explain And Fritz and his crazy plan with the water well under the school. 

You say it changed how you saw yourself. What did you learn about yourself?

That I wasn’t who my mom made me think I was. That I had talent and beauty and a voice worth hearing. Theo helped me see that. I owe that to him. He opened my eyes. The way he looked at me…it made me see myself the way he saw me. I just wish I could have done more. I’m still a little rattled about how it all ended.

And how did it end?

It’s all still too tender. I’m sorry…I can’t. 

Would you like to add anything? 

The Earth Painter will open your eyes. Theo, the Earth Painter is worth spending time with. I wouldn’t trade my time with him for anything in the world.

About the Author
Melissa Lee is a wife and stay-at-home-mom of 3 young boys. She’s been making up stories in her head for as long as she can remember but only got serious about it in 2007, after reading Twilight and rediscovering her own dreams to write.
Finally, she put her Journalism degree to use and started writing and hasn’t stopped since. She has studied fiction writing at various conferences, and from numerous writing coaches.
She signed her first contract with Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing in 2011

*Guest post provided by author and Bewitching Book Tours.  This is not a review*

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